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Portrait of a Graduate

Regardless of whether your child arrives at St. John's at three years old or joins us as a Middle School student, it can be hard to envision the young person who will ultimately graduate eighth grade. Our Portrait of a Graduate sharpens that vision for you by describing the outcome of a St. John's education. St. John's graduates are prepared for high school. We know they are; and that is reinforced for us by area admission directors, as well as by our graduates themselves and their families. St. John's graduates are skilled critical thinkers who appreciate the process of learning. They are compassionate individuals who share a healthy respect for the abilities and perspectives of others. They are confident, articulate, and equipped to recognize community needs and to give of themselves through service. 

St. John's graduates abide by the St. John's Code:
I am St. John's.
I am respectful.
I am responsible.
I am honest.
I care.

St. John's graduates embody:

  • Loves to learn, motivated by genuine curiosity.
  • Brings optimism, confidence and discipline to solving problems through the use of critical thinking skills.
  • Strives to live with integrity
  • Shows tenacity and resiliency
  • Practices compassion, respectfulness, and altruism
  • Collaborates in a supportive, helpful fashion.
  • Communicates clearly, correctly and gracefully.
  • Community- and globally-conscious.