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Signature Program: Athletics and Physical Education

Signature Programs

St. John’s Signature Programs broaden the student experience and cultivate a love of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. These Signature Programs provide a holistic education that extends classroom learning, encourages students to explore different areas of interest, teaches new skills, and helps children deepen their understanding of the world around them.



In three athletic seasons, we offer 12 different sports. Approximately two-thirds of Middle School students participate in Athletics, and the program goals are to increase professional development for coaches, better align the P.E. curriculum with athletic seasons for targeted skills development outside of regular practice time, to think creatively about gym space constraints, survey students, expand our sport offerings, and further increase student participation.


John Walker '81
Director of Athletics

Cindy Isbell
Third Grade Teacher
Assistant Athletic Director

The importance of physical education for all students.

Our physical education program aligns with the School's mission and with the five tenets of an Episcopal Education: training the mind and body, strengthening the character, and enriching the spirit of each student in a Christian environment. Teaching practices and curriculum are inclusive and respect the dignity of all students. The Physical Education program is both developmentally and instructionally suitable for the individual child, consisting of classes which are designed to offer a variety of experiences, meeting the needs of students with varied abilities.  Care is taken through proper progressions, modified games, and a fun atmosphere to offer each student the opportunity to learn, participate and succeed in a positive environment.   

Students at each grade level are provided with opportunities to experience cooperative and individual activities through modified games, creative rhythms, fitness related skills, health related skills, and sport skills.  Age appropriate and developmentally sound activities challenge each student to perform to the best of his/her ability and encourage the individual child to build self-confidence and independence through a sense of achievement. The St. John’s student communities, from Pre-K through 8th grade, are provided with opportunities to develop: 

  • Motor skills to the best of their abilities in terms of performance, adaptability, inquiry, creativity, and ingenuity.   
  • Enjoyment and appreciation of recreational activities, as well as recognizing the benefits of being active as a component of a healthy lifestyle 
  • To the best of their abilities, physical and mental coordination 
  • Socially accepted, cooperative behavior 
  • Knowledge of safety through proper use of equipment and space 
  • Good sportsmanship, teamwork, and problem-solving skills  

In Lower School, Physical Education teachers strive to empower students to be comfortable conquering fears and chasing goals by teaching skills, knowledge, and confidence to be physically active for life.  Skills taught range from motor skills, sport skills, and nutrition to outdoor education, rhythm activities, and mindfulness exercises. Emphasis is placed on the enjoyment of being physically active, the challenge of learning new skills, the students having positive self-concept, and learning skills that will lead to a lifetime of physical activity. 

Progression to team sports in Middle School

As students grow and progress through their St. John's experience, the School encourages all Middle School students to participate on School athletic teams throughout three athletic seasons. With a no-cut philosophy, we believe the middle years are a time to explore new interests, develop individual and teamwork skills, set goals for improvement, build confidence, and enjoy the camaraderie that comes from being part of a team. By participating in leagues of varying levels of competition and by forming the number of teams necessary to meet student demand, we are able to offer a place for everyone.

Fall Sports
  • Cross-country
  • Flag Football
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
Winter Sports
  • Basketball
    (boys teams and girls teams)
  • Running Club
  • Soccer
    (boys teams and girls teams)
Spring Sports
  • Baseball
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Tennis
  • Track